Michelle Almakari
Postdoctoral Researcher at CNRS - Laboratoire de Geologie in ENS .

Lab. de Géologie - ENS
24 Rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris (Office E336)
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at CNRS, working at the Laboratoire de Geologie in Ecole Normale Superieure since January 2021. My current research project is to investigate the seismic cycle along complex fault networks in using 3D quasi-dynamic numerical modeling. This is in the context of the Persismo ERC project run by Harsha Bhat.
I obtained a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil/Geotechnical Engineering from the Lebanese University in Beirut. Then I conducted a Research Master in Geophysics and Solid Earth at Universite Grenoble Alpes (UGA, Grenoble) in France. Finally, I proceeded to obtain my PhD from MINES ParisTech at the Geosciences Center (Fontainebleau, France) under the supervision of Pierre Dublanchet and Hervé Chauris. During my PhD, I investigated the hydro-mechanical reactivation of pre-existing faults due to fluid injection (anthropogenic activities: hydraulic fracturing, geothermal projects, waste water disposal, etc…).
Research Interest:
Seismic Cycle - Seismology - Geophysics - Numerical Modeling - Rock-mechanics - Induced Seismicity - Inverse Methods
Here is my Curriculum Vitae
Mar 1, 2022 | New collaboration with Faisal Amlani (ENS, Cachan) and Carlos Villafuerte on the effect of thrust fault opening on tsunamis genesis. Keep Posted ! |
Jun 30, 2021 | With so many environmental stress perturbations, how can they affect the seismic cycle? Please consider our #AGU21 session: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/120331 with Louise Jeandet and Roland Burgman. Observational, experimental and numerical studies are welcome ! |
Selected publications
- JGR-SolidEarthEffect of the Injection-Scenatio on the Rate and Magnitude Content of Injection-Induced Seismicity: Case of a Heterogeneous FaultJournal of geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2019
- GJIFault’s hydraulic diffusivity enhancement during injection induced fault reactivation: application of pore pressure diffusion inversions to laboratory injection experimentsGeophys. J. Int. 2020
- PhD ThesisHydro-Mechanical Rate & State Fault Reactivation: Slip, Seismicity and Permeability Enhancement.2019